The most important preparation for our immersion is creating a space and blessing it as sacred. Allow your heart to lead you in weaving an altar that will invite you to commune with Water Lily everyday. You can access our Altar Guidebook at a discounted price here, if you need assistance.

— Adopt or make a candle for our immersion. I would suggest a pillar candle so it can hold you for the 17 days rather than a taper candle.

— Place a bowl of water as an offering for the Heart & Spirit of the flower we will be in communion with.

— Have a journal to write the whispers of your heart.

Personal favorite journals — handwoven by loombound. These are hte only journals that can hold my heart whispers.

ESMERALDA15 gifts you $15 off.

— Make sure to have a sheep-hide, blanket or mat that makes sitting or laying at your altar inviting.


This is optional — an invitation to visit your local spring. Communing with flower essences in spring water enhances their blessings.

If you don’t have access to a local spring — you can gather some at your local market.

As I shared above this is optional, the flower essence is held in spring water.


This is also optional — I do want to encourage everyone to gather ceremonial cacao for our heart to heart calls. Madrecita IxCacao is medicine of the heart, I have felt deeply supported by her presence when communing with flowers as she opens the heart — we can hear the whispers of the flowers clearly.

We will begin our heart to heart calls in ceremony with Cacao & Lily — We will guide you in a journey to the center of your heart where you will commune with Water Lily intimately. When you emerge, we will all take a moment to journal what visions/whispers we received. We may then sit in council to share what bloomed in our heart during our journey, and also an opportunity to share anything your heart desires to whisper.

final thread.

We will be meeting heart to heart via GOOGLE MEET.

You don’t need an account but just make sure to share your email down below to add you to the meetings.

If you are unable to join one of our circles, no worries you will have access to a recording and a community portal to share your heart whispers.